Thursday, April 28, 2005


Calum MacDonald misunderstands depopulation

Having had nothing of any substance from the Labour Party (where are those car stickers this year???) I'm having to rely on Gazette reports. Which is less than satisfactory.

Calum proclaims that unemployment has dropped. Yes Calum BUT, that's only because your Government's policies have meant that those of working age have left the island and now live in Inverness, Aberdeen or Glasgow.

What's his next target? Ensuring that there are no children living below the poverty line, by ensuring that there are no children born in the Western Isles?

All my classmates have gone away. No children were born in my village last year. The houses are being sold to retirees at prices I can't afford.

Still, unemployment is down, so I should be happy about this unsustainable trend.

I'm bloody angry, and I intend to make sure Calum gets a bloody nose next week.
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