Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Save the Regiments campaign

On 10 November 2003, Calum said: “The rumour appears to be that the Government White paper will demand the end of five infantry battalions. Given the commitments of the UK to the UN and in Iraq,Bosnia, Kosovo and Northern Ireland, my view is that the disbandment of The Highlanders would be incredible. This is particularly so given that regimental recruiting is now on the increase again.”

On 10 November 2004 this had changed to “I therefore have an open mind about the proposed restructuring by the Army Chiefs of Staff, so long as it manages to preserve regimental identities in an appropriate form."

What happened in the passing year to persuade Calum to accept the incredible? Was it being lied to in 2003 and then finding the new party line in 2004.

Certainly his trip to Afghanistan with the British Army has not helped, although the image of Calum in fatigues and acting menacing on a 'tour of duty' is one that is seared on my consciousness.

No wonder the Save the Scottish Regiments campaign is after his head.
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